One of the eight branches of Ayurveda is Agadatantra (Visha Vijnyana). This branch deals about the identification of different poisonous substances (Plant, Mineral, Animal Origin, Adulterants, Food poisons etc.), their harmful effects on the body and how to treat them and what is the role of a practitioner in cases of Poisoning.

Vyavahara Ayurveda deals with Identification, causes of death and its medicolegal aspect, Duties of a Medical Practitioner in Medicolegal cases, Court, Court Proceedings, types of Court and their powers, in brief about the Criminal Law in India.

Vidhi Vaidyaka deals with the knowledge of Medical Jurisprudence, Medical Ethics, Medical Negligence, Rights of Medical Practitioners, bodies that govern the Medical Fraternity and actions take in cases of misconduct by a Practitioner.

Staff of Agadatantra

  1. Dr.Poornima Bhat- Professor and HOD
  2. Dr. Suresh Kalappanavar- Reader
  3. Dr.Sahana N Holla- Lecturer

Departmental Activities involving Court Visit and Regional Forensic Laboratory Visits are conducted based on the UG Curriculum