The department of Ayurvedic Pediatrics mainly concerned with the upbringing of the newborn, prevention and treatment of diseases in children.
This is the most important among the eight branches of Ayurveda.
The institution has a full fledged department with museum and dedicated faculty to impart the knowledge of Kaumarabhritya to the students.
‘ Swarna Prashana’ a unique program to promote physical & mental growth and development of children and impart immunity is conducted by the department wherein scores of children are administered Swarna Bindu each month.
Research activities related to various diseases in children are being conducted by the department.
The Yogya Skill lab is equipped with mannequins and apparatus for practice/simulation of various procedures like neonatal resuscitation, cardiovascular auscultation etc.

Staff of Kaumarabritya Department:

  1. Dr.Aditya Gouda- Professor and HOD
  2. Dr. Anil- Reader
  3. Dr. Samir Bhadri- Lecturer