Name: Dr. Roopa Bhat
Designation: Principal & Chief Medical Officer
Date of Birth: 02.01.1975
Address: Dr Roopa Bhat, Principal & Chief Medical Officer, Dhanvantari Ayurveda College Malvatti, Siddapur, Uttara kannada, Karnataka
Phone (Mobile) 9845301333
E-Mail: ayurroopa@gmail.com
Residential Address: Premapriya, Indiranagar, APMC, Siddapur (N.K)
Academic Qualification
Graduation: BAMS – Kuvempu University 1997
Post Graduation: M D (KAYA CHIKITSA), Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences, Banglore, KARNATAKA 2001
Registration number: 12104
Teaching Experience: 21 years
Lecturer: Dhanvantari Ayurveda College & Research center,Siddapur (N.K) From 5/ 12/ 2001 to 5/ 12/2006
Reader: Dhanvantari Ayurveda College & Research Center, Siddapur(N.K) from 6/12/2006 to 5/ 12/2011.
Professor: Dhanvantari Ayurveda College & Research Center,Siddapur ( N.K) from 6/ 12/ 2011 to Till date.
PG Guide : Working as PG Guide in the Dept. of Kayachikitsa from Oct-2016. Guiding 6 Pg students of Kayachikitsa.
Administrative Experience :
Panchakarma incharge, Principal, Dhanvantari Ayurveda College & Research Center, Siddapur.
Principal and C.M.O, Dhanvantari Ayurveda College, Siddapur Till today.
Membership : ExMember of UG. Board of studies (Ayu) of RGUHS, Faculty Member, RGUHS, Bangalore
Seminars Presented:
1.Delivered a lecture on “Standardization Of Ayurvedic Terminology Of Kayachikitsa” In a workshop conducted at SDM College of Ayurveda Hassan sponsored by Ministry of HRD, NEW DELHI.
2.Guest lecture on Management of Madhumeha, in CME conducted by AFI Uttarakannada.
3.Dentistry in Ayurveda conducted by IDA Uttarakannada.
4.Treatment of respiratory allergies in training program for AYUSH doctors.
5.Management of Madhumeha an ayurvedic prospectives in world health day.
6.Prevention & Management of Madhumeha to Auto Drivers of Siddapur on Ayurveda Day.
7.Talk on Health & Adolescents on the occasion of “SABALA” Programme, organized by Child and Family Welfare Department, Karwar Dist.
8.Talk on Womens Health and Ayurveda during “MATHA SAMAVESHA” organized by Swarnavalli Math, Sondha, SIRSI.
9.Talk on Importance of ayurvedic medicine and health to students of BSc nursing , ST.IGNATIUS INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES,HONAVAR.
10.Delivered a lecture on “ROGANIDANAM PARIHARAUPAYASHCHA” at national seminar on VEDA SHASTRA VIGNANA.
11.Resource person for CME Kayachikitsa ( Topic: Science and Technologies of Samshodhana Karma and Scope of Complementary Practices of Ayurveda ) organized at Ayurveda Mahavidyalay, Nasik, sponsored by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India.
Academic and social talks:
1. More than 500 talks delivered in health promotion camp in different parts of district.
2. Given 3 health talks in E-TV “Nithysanjeevani” programme.
3. Given several talk in Dharwad and Bhadravati Radio Station.
Academic activities:
1. Chaired many state and national level seminar sessions in different places.
2. Attended as subject expert in the Dept. of Panchakarma at Jamnagar University, Gujarat Conducted by AYUSH, India.
3. Organized a state level seminar on Areca in the collaboration of Campco and TSS
Articles published:
1. Article on Panchakarma Practices in present day.
2. Article on Diagnosis And Management of Madhumeha in Short, Published in IMA (Ayush)-2012-13
3. Article published in Integrated Medical Association (Reg) on the subject Diagnosis and Management of Madhumeha in Short.
4. Published an article on “SADVRITTA” in National refereed research journal “ journal of veda Samskrita academy”.
1. Ms. Niveditha award by Niveditha Womens Club, Siddapur.
2. Felicitation received from IMA Siddapur, on Doctors Day.
3. Felicitation on international womens day at sirsi by INNER WHEEL.
4. MATA ANUGRAHA Felicitation by Matru Vandana Samiti, Shri Bhuvaneshwari Temple, Siddapur, on the vocation of Kannada Rajyotsava.